Викладач: Семешко Ніна Михайлівна
Рік видання: 2024
Автор: Онищенко ОА.

035.04 Германські мови та літератури (переклад включно), перша - англійська

Об’єкт дослідження: оповідання О.Генрі. Мета роботи: дослідити лінгвостилістичну специфіку оповідань О.Генрі. Одержані висновки та їх новизна: дипломної роботи полягяє в аналізі стилістичної природи оповідань О.Генрі. Результати дослідження можуть бути застосовані... Перелік ключових слів: СТИЛІСТИЧНІ ОСОБЛИВОСТІ, МЕТАФОРА, ІРОНІЯ, ЮМОР, ЕФЕКТ КОМІЧНОГО, ЕПІТЕТ, ФРАЗЕОЛОГІЗМ ABSTRACT The purpose of this work is to explore the stylistic features of O. Henry's stories. This thesis explores the stylistic characteristics inherent in the stories of O. Henry, a prominent American writer renowned for his distinctive narrative style. The study delves into the unique linguistic and stylistic elements that define O. Henry's storytelling, focusing on the author's masterful use of irony, unexpected plot twists, and a concise yet expressive language. The research endeavors to uncover the intricacies of O. Henry's linguistic choices, examining how he crafts vivid and realistic characters through skillful dialogues and attention to detail. Special emphasis is placed on the author's ability to transform ordinary situations into literary masterpieces, infusing his narratives with depth and meaning. Methods of the research include analysis (used when studying theoretical sources), inductive method (used when observing the actions of characters). The practical section contains examples from O. Henry’s works, their analysis and examples of stylistics features like epithet, zeugma, phraseology. The theoretical section presents the explanations of the interpretation, the types of comic effect, methods and means of creating comic effect. The practical significance of this course work is that the results obtained can be used in theoretical research to develop a unified system of linguistic means that create a comic effect, also in theoretical studies that are based on the problems of linguistic analysis of an artistic text. The scientific novelty of the course work lies in the analysis of the stylistic nature of the stories of A. Henry. In conclusion, this study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of O. Henry's stylistic features, showcasing the enduring impact of his storytelling on a global literary audience. The linguistic and stylistic nuances identified in his stories not only demonstrate the author's literary finesse but also affirm O. Henry's lasting significance in the world of literature.